First look at Liens

Do your local Lien laws need to change? poll below

Construction News and Media

May 9th 2024

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Welcome to this week's edition of Construction News, Media and Marketing. Today, we'll delve into a comprehensive overview of lien laws, shedding light on their fundamental principles and how they shape the construction industry landscape across different jurisdictions.

Lien Laws: Essential Components

Lien laws are legal mechanisms designed to protect the rights of contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and property owners involved in construction projects. Key components of lien laws include:

  1. Lien Rights: Contractors and subcontractors typically have the right to place liens on properties as security for unpaid work, materials, or services provided during construction projects.

  2. Filing Procedures: Lien laws outline the procedures and deadlines for filing liens, ensuring transparency and adherence to legal requirements.

  3. Priority of Liens: These laws often establish the priority of liens in cases of multiple claims, determining who gets paid first in the event of a property sale or foreclosure.

  4. Enforcement Mechanisms: Lien laws provide mechanisms for enforcing liens, such as foreclosure proceedings or legal actions, to secure payment for parties with valid claims.

Variations Across Jurisdictions

Lien laws can vary significantly from state to state or country to country, impacting how they are enforced and the rights they afford to construction industry stakeholders. Some key variations include:

  1. Payment Timing: Different jurisdictions may have varying timelines for payment, affecting when contractors and subcontractors receive compensation for their work.

  2. Notice Requirements: Some states may require specific notice procedures to preserve lien rights, adding complexity to the lien filing process.

  3. Lien Priority: The priority of liens and how they are ranked in relation to other claims can differ based on local laws and regulations.

  4. Dispute Resolution: Lien laws may include provisions for resolving disputes related to lien claims, such as mediation or arbitration, to expedite resolution and avoid lengthy legal battles.

Key Considerations for Industry Professionals

Understanding the intricacies of lien laws is crucial for construction industry professionals to:

  • Protect their rights to payment and secure financial interests in construction projects.

  • Navigate the lien filing process efficiently and comply with legal requirements.

  • Mitigate risks associated with non-payment or disputes related to lien claims.


Lien laws play a pivotal role in shaping contractual relationships, payment procedures, and risk management strategies in the construction industry. By staying informed about lien laws and their variations, industry professionals can navigate complex legal landscapes and ensure fair and equitable outcomes for all parties involved in construction projects.

Do you think Lien Laws in your state need to change?

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See you next week when we talk about pre-qualification forms in construction.